
That’s all they really want…Some fun…

November 8, 2009

Erica 2008 003

Find Saturday’s playlist on iTunes at Spinning Spincycles 11.7.09

1. Original Fire—Audioslave (3:41)  This is our warm up, lets wake up our legs.  My goal for this profile is to have some fun, listen to good music and burn some serious calories! 

2. The Resolution–Jack’s Mannequin (3:06) Find a medium resistance while standing to jog…Pick it up to a run.  Keep the resistance, have a seat & pick up the pace on the chorus (“I’m Alive” is the vocal cue.)  Stand to run in-between.

3. Oh Yeah–The Subways (2:57)  Keep your medium resistance and say seated until about 55 seconds into the song.  Increase the resistance, stand and run until the song hits the 2 minute mark. Increase the resistance again, move to hand position three & climb until the end of the song.

4. Salute Your Solution–The Raconteurs (3:00)  Easy jumps for 30 second intervals alternating with standing run.  For an extra challenge increase the resistance after each interval. 

5. Goodnight Goodnight–Hot Hot Heat  (2:11)  Light to medium resistance for a fast seated spin.  Crank the resistance & come up to a climbing stance whenever you hear “so goodnight” and hold it there for the chorus.  Go back to the flat spin & pick up the pace. 

6. Starlight—Muse (4:00)  This will be our first true climb of the day. Start in the saddle, add resistance every 15 seconds until you cannot stay seated any longer…but hold it there for 2 minutes, then come to hand position 3 & a climbing stance.  Stay in the climb for the entire song with cadence changes based on the beat of the music.  Add a little more resistance as a bonus challenge

7. I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor–Artic Monkeys (2:56)  Stay in the climb, but decrease the resistance & pick up the pace….feel your legs fly down the other side of the hill.  After a minute or so come out of the climb to stand and run. Keep a nice fast pace, this should feel great after that long climb!

8. One Week–Barenaked Ladies (2:50)  Have a seat & drop the resistance for a 1 minute (much needed) recovery.  Let your breathing slow & your heart rate drop a bit.  Then add resistance back on the flywheel and…start jumping on the chorus with a nice seated recovery in between jumps. 

9. Sometime Around Midnight—The Airborne Toxic Event (5:04)  Grab a nice drink before you join me because this song is going to be a long climb (5 minutes) meant to challenge your endurance.  Once you are ready, heap on the resistance & tackle this mountain. Slow and steady at first, picking up the pace to match the beat of the music.  Climb for the whole song!  Stay focused, and resist the urge to slow down…and if you were wondering, this is one of my all-time favorite songs.  I could listen to it again and again and again.

10. When your Heart Stops Beating–+44 (3:13)  1 minute, or more if you need it, of recovery in the saddle with a light resistance. While in the saddle, add more resistance so that it feels moderate and start running, short sprint on the chorus.

11. House of Wolves–My Chemical Romance (3:04)  Bring it to a standing run, make it heavy and challenging.  Hold it there for about 30 seconds.  You know this drill….don’t touch the resistance, have a seat & hammer the legs for 30 seconds.  Alternate these two drills, added or subtracting resistance to keep it physically demanding throughout.

12. Kiss Off–Violent Femmes (2:57)  It’s almost over!  This is our last true climb of the day.  Find your climb, add resistance to make it a little tougher.  Focus on perfect form: feet flat, butt over the saddle, upper body relaxed, ears away from the shoulders, and give yourself a little sideways sway.  Alternate the cadence to match the song. 

13. Atari–Lucky Boys Confusion (3:08)  Last working song!  Smile and try to enjoy this.  I mean, really, how can a song with the lyric : I just want to drink beer and play Atari  be anything other than awesome!?!  We are going to apply our “fast… now faster” drill to this.  Have a seat with medium resistance & pick up the pace…now faster on the chorus.  Slow down, add resistance & bring it to a standing run…now faster!  Slow down again, of course add more resistance (make it really difficult) & climb fast…(you guessed it) now faster!  Finish strong!

14. Confines of Gravity–PlayRadioPlay!  (2:49)  Stay on the bike for a couple of minutes to catch your breath and slow your pounding heart.

15. Romeo and Juliet–The Killers (5:28) Take some time for stretches on the floor during this sweet Dire Straits cover.

Have you seen this snuggie


I want one sooo bad!  Preferably with Rivers and his guitar snuggled inside…..

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